
Blog about becoming a programmer

Programmer profession

Connect Power BI to MySQL using ODBC Driver

In an era where data is the new oil, data analytics has become a critical component for business success. It empowers organizations to make well-informed decisions, identify opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition. Among the plethora of analytical tools…

Unlock the Benefits of Software Engineering Consultants Outsource for Your Software Design!

‍Software engineering consultants outsource is a process of hiring an outside consultant or firm to help with software design, development, and implementation. Outsourcing software engineering projects can help businesses reduce costs, speed up development timelines, and ensure quality assurance. In…

Three steps on the way to the profession

The fact is that mastering a profession takes six months or even a year of study. And you need, as early as possible

How do you know if you need to study development at all?

Many people, fascinated by the prospect of working in such a prestigious industry, go into it with only one goal in mind: money.

Job search for a developer

You will most likely be applying for a developer position. The position will be called by the programming language – for example, Java Developer, or by the direction – for example, Frontend Developer.

How to become a programmer from scratch on your own

If I were now starting from scratch to learn web development on my own (realizing that without investing money it’s a longer way)